need any help in Importation/exportation ?

available 24/7 hour

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need help finding the perfect import or export product for your needs.We are committed to providing customers with excellent service and ensuring that all orders are delivered on time and in good condition.


Whether you’re looking for something to enhance your home, business, or lifestyle, we have the perfect solution for you. Our selection of import and export products is constantly expanding to meet the changing needs of our customers.


Sarep Group is an industry-leading company that specializes in importing and exporting a wide variety of products. Our extensive network of suppliers and buyers enables us to source the best quality products at competitive prices.!



Sarep Group is an industry-leading company that specializes in importing and exporting a wide variety of products. Our extensive network of suppliers and buyers enables us to source the best quality products at competitive prices. We are committed to providing customers with excellent service and ensuring that all orders are delivered on time and in good condition.


We offer comprehensive transportation services to make sure your goods are delivered safely and on time. We are capable of handling both domestic and international shipments, as well as a variety of cargo types.

Customs Clearance

Our experienced team of customs clearance professionals can assist you with the processing of your paperwork and ensure that all necessary steps are taken to ensure a smooth and timely entry of your goods into the country.


We offer a comprehensive distribution network that allows us to quickly and efficiently deliver your goods to their destination. We can provide international and domestic distribution services, utilizing our network of carriers and shipping companies.


Take advantage of our special offers and promotions to save even more on our already competitive prices. We also offer free shipping for orders over a certain amount.

Our friendly and knowledgeable customer service staff is here to help. Thank you for choosing Sarep GROUP, your source for all of your import and export products needs.
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40 0 +
happy clients
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countries worldwide

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our address

JKIA , 1ST AVIATION LANE NAIROBI ,KENYA P.O Box 2314- 00200 Nairobi – Kenya

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